There are quite a few opportunities to earn money from the internet. From a few cents a day to a few thousand dollars per week. Discussion sites where you can post discussions and respond to others' discussions. You can upload images and videos and get paid for doing so. If you are good writer there are many article sites where you can post your articles. Then there are social sites where you can meet people on line and make friends.You can re establish contacts with old friends and associates. If you like writing reviews there are sites which will be useful. Then there are affiliate sites which are looking for people who can help promote their products and when a sale occurs the affiliate is given his commission which can range anywhere from 25% to 70%.
If you want to do small tasks on line and make a few dollars per task you can access micro job sites.
For those who wish to high yield investment programes there are plenty of sites but be warned that most of them are master scammers.The policy with such sites is a macho 'invest what you can afford to lose.